In 2018, the color green is everywhere, and that’s no surprise. After all, greenery is essential for a healthy lifestyle. From the deep leafy greens in our salads and smoothies to lighter shades found in plants we surround ourselves with, the color green simply brings feelings of wellness to the surface.
When decorating our interiors, we respond to our desire for wellbeing by bringing houseplants into the forefront, including cactuses, chinese evergreens, and lucky bamboo. But this year, this color is making its way into paints and even wallpaper, featuring subtle (or bold) organic patterns.
The versatility of this color is part of what makes it so incredible. A vibrant snap or tea green can add a burst of energy to your home office, while an artichoke shade brings calming energy to your living room or lounge space. We love how it contrasts with bright white cabinets or countertops in bathrooms and kitchens.
But 2018 isn’t just the year of green. It’s the year where this adaptable color meets its unexpected match: vermeil.
Vermeil is a daring, deep shade of gold that draws the eye, adding an unexpected, gilded twist to your design scheme. We love to see it on throw pillows to create a mix of luxury and sophisticated feel in a living room. When juxtaposed against a piece of green furniture, or against walls in any shade of green, it adds a daring, striking sense of opulence.
As we head into summer, keep your eyes out for tones ranging from green-blue to olive and even mint on furniture, and even home accessories like glasses, coasters, and beyond. Plan to pair your green with bright or brassy gold, and you’ll achieve an on-trend look that will last well into next season.